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Designer Systems, Inc.
Information Technology Solutions

DSI Managed Backup Service


    • 24/7 Backup Monitoring
    • Off-Site Secure Cloud Storage
    • Industry Standard 256bit Encryption
    • MS Exchange, MS SQL, VM, & Imaging
    • HIPAA & PCI Compliance
Monthly Fees: (VM, & Imaging Optional)                                                        

Servers                                           $10.00


Workstations                                   $7.00


1Gigabyte Offsite Secure Storage    $0.50

What our customer has to say...

DSI has always kept our server and workstations up and running, without any loss of data. They also have great response times. Money can fix a lot of problems, however DSI relies upon their expertise and customer knowledge in offering this business owner cost effective options for meeting our needs. I highly recommend them to you.   

Phillip Ghiotto